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Host Clubs and Volunteers

Thank you for volunteering in Rotary Youth Exchange.  Exchanges are only possible with our worldwide collection of Rotarians and volunteers.  It is a very rewarding and rich cultural experience to help build better friendships and peace.  Below is a collection of links to forms and additional information for our District 6000 Rotarians, clubs, and host families.

Like most other organizations, one will encounter several Rotary Youth Exchange terms and nomenclature. Please take a few minutes and review our site's FAQ for a quick introduction to the common terms used throughout the process.




Below are several PDFs containing information about becoming a Rotary Youth Exchange club sponsor for outbound and inbound students.  These brochures answer many questions and can be distributed to help recruit outbound students and host families.


All RYE volunteers must complete their V-1 online to improve our vetting process. Contact the Inbound Coordinator team at and provide: Your full legal name, individual email address plus phone number and date of birth. You will be granted access to our online database (RYEDS) to complete a V1 Volunteer Application so appropriate background and reference checks may be completed. After access is granted, please follow the detailed directions in the following PDF, which can be downloaded and printed for your convenience.

Special notes: Be sure to include email addresses for your references (and notify references they will be contacted) and notify the Inbound Coordinator team when you have completed your V1 in the database.

Volunteers are also required to complete U.S. Department of State (DOS) training.  These training modules are provided by the North American Youth Exchange Network (NAYEN) and will be recorded on the RYEDS database.  Please download the following "DOS Completion Instructions" to learn how to complete your training.


We have a list of informational resources on hosting for clubs.  Please download the documents as needed:


Hosting Club Requirements

Rotary Youth Exchange Officer (YEO) Volunteer Role Description

Rotary Youth Exchange Local Coordinator Counselor (LC) Role Description

Action Steps to Hosting a Rotary Exchange Student


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